The CEO of telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested on Saturday August 24, 2024, in Paris, France. Many ask why?
The charges against him reportedly involve illegal content and transactions on the platform, including drug trafficking. However, the arrest has sparked a massive outcry on Crypto Twitter, with many users claiming the arrest was an outright assault on freedom of speech.
French president Emmanuel Macron was quick to dismiss that the arrest of Durov was politically motivated, but with France’s history of political unrest, skeptics aren’t so sure.
The Russian embassy has demanded access to Durov, raising concerns that this could be a trap. Durov, who fled Russia to escape government censorship, may now find himself in even greater danger – could this be an opportunity for Russia to silence him for good?
Adding to the drama, Durov holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While the UAE has offered consular services, the country’s track record over the past five years raises questions. The UAE has previously succumbed to Western pressure, extraditing individuals deemed dangerous by the West. Could Durov be next?
The UAE has previously succumbed to Western pressure, extraditing individuals deemed dangerous by the West. Could Durov be next?